Friday, October 28, 2011

Love Inside From Heart

You Gave Me Your Heart And I M Taking Care Of It...
You Gave Me Your Love And I M Trying 2 Increasing It.....
You Gave Me Your Dream And I M Trying 2 Fulfill It.....
You Gave Me Your Hand And Tightly I M Holding It ......

Every Tym You Give Me Something Special And I Just Taking It...
But I Really Want 2 Give You Something.....
I Want 2 Give You A Smile When You Try 2 Cry....
I Want 2 Give You A Hug When You Feel Lonely...
I Want 2 Give You A Surety Of My Shadow Behind Your Shadow....
At The End I Just Want That You,Me And Love B/W Us Stay Together...♥♥♥

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