Friday, August 12, 2011

Five Signs You Are A Great Date......


1: You're actually excited to go out with him. And he seems
excited to be going out with you, too. If you feel more excitement about
going to the dentist than going on the date, you should have said "no" in the
first place. Your lack of enthusiasm is likely to smother any chances you will
hit it off, so either cancel the date or convince yourself to be openminded. If
he greets you with a smile and is on time, you are off to a good start.
2: He spent time planning the date. Did he think beyond just asking
you out and make a reservation somewhere? Is he taking you to a meal or
just a "meet for drinks after work" trial run? Did he print out directions and
consider parking or is he obviously winging it? If you see that he has made
some effort to make sure the night goes smoothly, or if he's visibly nervous
about impressing you, then the guy actually thinks there's potential -- his
intentions, however, remain to be seen.
3: He picks up the bill. Call me old-fashioned, but if he asked you
out, he should reach for the most expensive drink in the house to go with
your lobster. Be considerate. And speaking of topshelf martini's, if it's clear
to you that the only way to get through your date is to consume as many
drinks as the waiter will bring, you might as well cut your losses, fake a
headache, and go home where you can watch re-runs of "Sex in the City."
The same is true if he starts throwing back the drinks faster than you.
4: He maintains eye contact throughout the night. If you notice
he's squinting to see the backside of a scantily clad waitress, wait for the
guy who actually makes an effort to focus on you. Your eye contact should
coincide with a nice ebb and flow of conversation, not just him or you doing
all the talking. And the date is doomed if he calls you by the wrong name or
forgets your name entirely.
5: You both can't wait to talk to each other again -- and I stress
actually talk, not send emails or text messages. And ladies, the only way
he's going to call you the next day to tell you how much fun he had on the
date, is if you go to separate homes when the date ends. A great first date
always leaves something to the imagination...

1: She actually shows up. When you've been stood up as many times
as I have, you feel a sense of relief when your date arrives. That feeling,
however, can instantly vanish, like the time my date's father opened the
front door wearing a flannel shirt and camouflage baseball cap. He then
invited me to wait in the living room where he had conveniently spread his
gun collection on a large table. I will never forget that experience. I also
can't wait to have a daughter and do the same thing. No need to even
mention curfew.
2: Your date laughs the whole time you're together. This is
especially good if she's laughing with you and not at the lettuce between
your front teeth. If your date isn't laughing, then you're not entertaining her
or she's not interested. Both are bad signs. If you're unsure whether she's
laughing at you or with you, ask her on a second date. If she laughs out
loud, then you know the answer.
3: She offers to split the bill with you. Where I'm from, this simply
doesn't happen. Ever. Maybe that's because the male paying the bill is
customary in my part of the country. Maybe it's the give and take of the
dating ritual. Maybe it's just the women I tend to date. Whatever the
reasoning, when a woman on a date offers to split the bill, it shows they
appreciate that there's no such thing as a free meal. When that happens,
hide the two-for-one coupon you planned to use.
4: When you're out on the town with your date, she sees her
girlfriends and insists they come over and meet you. This is a very
good sign. It means you just passed the "good enough to be seen with in
public" test.
5: Your first date is coming to an end, and you go to give her a
sweet hug; and instead, she gives you a full-on smooch. Hello, Love!
That sign is unmistakable -- unless she's been consuming alcoholic
beverages and simply needed to grab you in order to keep her balance.
When your date turns a friendly hug into a smooch, be warned: Do not
say anything! No matter what you say it won't be as romantic as in the
Instead, take a deep breath, savor the moment, feel the energy, wish
her goodnight, and get out of there fast.

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