Tuesday, August 30, 2011

10 Sure-Fire Ways To Get A Second Date........

So you went out with somebody and thought they were absolutely
amazing. She was the hottest, sexiest woman of the moment. So, how do you
capitalize on the success of a great first date?
Here are 10 sure-fire ways to get that second date:
1. Ask her out again at the end of the first date. Invite her to do something
she told you she finds exciting. For example, if she likes Mexican food, tell her
you know the best Mexican restaurant in town and you want to bring her there
Tuesday night.
Set up that second date so she doesn't have time to think about the first
date, and so she has something to look forward to.
2. Text her or call her the very next day. Either text her a simple message
that says "Had a great time last night...Looking forward to the next time." Or,
call her and leave a message and tell her the same thing over the phone.
3. Don't agree with everything she says. Challenge her mind. If you agree
with everything she says, she'll look at you as being weak.
If she sees you as being weak, she will no longer be attracted to you, and
you will no longer get a second look or a second date. I'm not telling you to be
confrontational. I'm telling you to be open, honest and real.
4. Don't expect sex or force the issue of sex until it's right for you to have
sex for the first time with a new potential partner. You re both adults, and if a
woman decides that she doesn't want to have sex with you for a month, respect
Or, if a woman decides she wants to have sex with you on the first date,
respect that decision too! When you do have sex, make sure that the two of you
handle it like adults and not like children.
5. Be positive and fun when you're out with her on a date. Don't bash your
ex. Don't complain
about all the things that are wrong in your life. Spend time getting to know each
other's good sides.
6. Listen to your date. Question things that don't sound right. Have a twosided
conversation instead of talking at her. Most men tend to want to impress
women with their accomplishments.
Women enjoy getting to know a man based on what's inside. So spend time
listening and having a conversation instead of bragging about yourself. The less
you brag, the more interested she will be!
7. When out with your date, do not check out other women in front of her.
Do this, and you'll never get another date with her again.
8. Compliment her once about the way she looks. Don't tell her all night
long how beautiful she is, because she will start to think that you've never
before been out with a woman as beautiful as her, and you'll start to lose your
9. Compliment her mind. Compliment her once about the way she looks.
Bond with her mentally and emotionally and physically, and she will bond with
you in ways that you've never experienced before!
10. Once you've secured the second date, and the second date is
successful, you need to set up an "activity date" for date number three -- take
her to the park, go to the beach, or take your dogs for a long walk.
Do things that cause her to picture the two of you as a couple. Dates should
be creative, not boring. Sitting there and swapping stories over dinner tends to
get monotonous after date number one, so start creatively planning different

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