Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Be Friends Forever with Your Best Friend!!!!

Talk to them a lot. Tell them everything about your day. It doesn't matter if you ate cherries or a peach they have the right to know. Going outs, phone, SMS, E-mail, etc.

Do things together. It doesn't matter what. It could be shopping or singing funny songs at the top of your lungs. It doesn't matter if they are far away for some time, there are also things you can do.

Tell your secrets to them. Keep their secrets. They don't care if your in a mafia or you're Spongebob they're still there for you.

Call them randomly at three in the morning. It doesn't matter that they have tutoring lessons just call them. Let them know you care.

Randomly say they look like an animal. It shouldn't hurt their feelings if you say they're as cute as a sea otter. Sea otters are hot man. And probably they are used enough to hearing those so they won't care.

Deal with their obsessions. It doesn't matter that they IM you random youtube videos of hamsters or gerbils.

Things shouldn't get in the way of your friendship. It doesn't matter that they have the same exact red shirt as you. Or the same Hardtails. Or even your favorite tan uggs. It's okay that your taste is the exact same. I mean what if one day you came in the same exact pumas, blue button up, hardtails, and the same exact cellphone. That just says how alike you think..


  • Best friends don't keep secrets from each other, unless they are truly personal.
  • The truth won't bring her/him down, so be honest. If something doesn't work or look good, be honest.
  • No matter what anybody thinks he/she is your best friend.
  • Love your best friend like they're family. Sometimes, they are even the ones who stick up to you in times of need.


  • You can die from laughter because of a best friend.
  • You'll start calling each other strange nicknames like milkshaka, cheesecharger, gerba, and hamma.
  • There are going to be way too many inside jokes for you to handle.
  • Don't quarrel with him/her over stupid things.

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