Saturday, July 2, 2011

love lines

Love Is Just Lyk A Beautiful Rose And Its Fragrance Can Be Smelled By Heart's Only.....

One Day Mirror Asked Me Why You Take So Much Tym Infront Of Me B'coz You R Just Luking At Me...I Replied I M Just Luking At You B'coz I Can See Her Face In You...

If You Want Happiness In Your Lyf Then You Have 2 Suffer Pain....
If You Suffered A Bucket Of Pain Then You Get A Drop Of Happiness......

When I Want 2 Feel Happy I Just Open Your 1st Message Which You Sent 2 Me And Just Close My Eyes And See Your Pics In My Heart And Feels Happiness.....

Missing Someone Is The Nice Feeling But Missed By Someone Is The Ever Best Feeling Of Lyf...............

Everytym I Think That The Distance Between You And Me May Be Increases But I Always Tried That Distance Is Always Between Place Not In Between Our Hearts.....

Every Night I Just Think About You That How Can I Spend My Whole Day Without You...................

Sumtym's Nothing Is Better Than Something......
Nothing Can Be Done By Something And
Something Can Be Done By Nothing.........

A Lyf Without You Is Not A Lyf..........
A Success Without You Is Not A Success......
So A Moment Without You Is Not The Best Moment........

The Unchoosable Thimgs:
What You Choose B/w Heart And Heartbeat????
If You Choose Heart Then You Don't Have Heartbeat For That Heart And If You Choose Heartbeat Then You Don't Have Heart For Those Heartbeat.......

My Eyes Feels More Pain Than My Heart You Know Why B'coz My Heart Just Feels Your Heartbeat AND That's Enough For Him For Not 2 Be Cry But My Eyes Always Want 2 See You..Your Love And Affections Are Their With Me But That's Not Enough For My Eyes......

The Presence Or Absence Of One Lover Affects The Partner's Heartbeat.....
In Presence Affects On Heartbeat Is Due To Happiness And Instant High Love Feeling But In Absence Affects On Heartbeat Is Due To Sadness And Loneliness That Can Be Seen In Their Partner's Eyes....

The Illness Of My Body Don't Give Me Any Tension But A Tear In Ur Eyes Takes My Lyf Away From Me................

The Fragrance Of Your Love Is Smell's By My Heart
But I Fear That How Can I Protect You From My Heart's

Every Tym You Give Me Something Special And I Just Taking It...
But I Really Want 2 Give You Something.....
I Want 2 Give You A Smile When You Try 2 Cry....
I Want 2 Give You A Hug When You Feel Lonely...
I Want 2 Give You A Surety Of My Shadow Behind Your Shadow....
At The End I Just Want That You,Me And Love B/W Us Stay Together...♥♥♥

You Gave Me Your Heart And I M Taking Care Of It...
You Gave Me Your Love And I M Trying 2 Increasing It.....
You Gave Me Your Dream And I M Trying 2 Fulfill It.....
You Gave Me Your Hand And Tightly I M Holding It ......

You Are Always With Me In My Heart But Still My Heart 
Missing You B'coz My Heart Is Too Naughty Actually My
Heart Wants 2 Meet His Partner Thats Your Heart B'coz
When Two Heart's Joined Then They Never Deattached Untill
They Broke............

As My Heart Follows Its Heartbeat Then Your Face
With Full Of Love Stands Infront Of My Eye's............
As My Heart Does Not Follows Its Heartbeat Then My
Heart Looks For Its Heartbeat Then Again Its Remind Me
About Your Lovely Face And My Heart Starts Missing You

Hug Me Lyk That Even Air Don't Interfare Between Us...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Loving You Is Not The Achievement Of My Heart But A Little Bit Loved By You Is The Real Goal Of My Heart............

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