Monday, July 18, 2011

Need Advice to Know Whether That Someone Like Me...

Hmmm… this is certainly one of the questions, which one would definitely be pondering about when he or she falls in love with someone.
Well, this is indeed a good question to be asking. You should of course know whether that someone does has some liking for you and only then, will you know that you could actually be proceeding further.
But then how are we able to tell?
The simplest and the most straightforward way to find out would be to ask him or her directly. But then that would without doubts risk scaring him or her off and that is what we certainly wouldn’t want. And I guess you wouldn’t be that daring to actually be doing that anyway?
A good way would always be through the indirect approach.
Now, the very first question to be asking should instead be does he or she dislike you? Well, if in the very first place he or she doesn’t even have any good impression of you, the possibility of things definitely wouldn’t be encouraging.
This, you should be able to just tell from your usual conversation with him or her. Recall. Were the conversation you have had with him or her sincere and entertaining? Or maybe to put it in another way, were the conversation held in a very natural and comfortable way? Has he or she been in like anyway avoiding you, very often not wanting to get into any conversation with you?
Do think about it, you should be able to just tell. Well, I am sure you have at times tried avoiding talking to someone whom you find annoying?
If you found nothing of a problem with the above, that is great! As long as he or she doesn’t dislike you, your chances will be there.
And so, the next to be finding out would now be does he or she like you?
But do note, to be liking you may mean he or she has a good impression of you and not necessary that he or she has fallen for you too. But well, to be having a good impression of you from him or her is always a good start, isn’t it?

Again, we will be able to just tell from your usual conversation and interaction with him or her. If he or she doesn’t dislike you and is having a good impression of you, he or she should just be more than willing to hang around with you, chat and talk to you.
So, to what extent are you guys like seeing one another? What are the usual activities you guys do together? Well, they can be of some group activities, not a problem. But during these group activities, have you both been like talking much to one another? Was it like you being the one always taking the initiative to talk to him or her or was it a mutual thingy? And surely to be asking, were there fun and laughter during these occasions?
Nonetheless, I should suppose you were involved in suggesting and organizing of some of these activities, in charge of calling the people up? So, did he or she participate in those occasions?
All these could definitely provide some hints as to whether he or she has any good liking for you.
And aside from the activities, have you both been like communicating in private with one another perhaps through phones, text messaging and etc. If so, was it like very often and regularly?
Well, this can again provide us with some useful hints.
And so much the better if you guys have been like going out together in private; just you and him or her. Hmmm… and if really so, how often is it? Did you guys like somehow arrange for a next date at the end of each date?
Recall and do think about it. Any positive hints for you, my friend?
Ha but still, the very question to be asking at the end of the day would be “Do you really like that someone?” If your answer is yes, just go for it!
Remember, as long as he or she doesn’t dislike you, it will mean that you have your chance. You can just try to make him or her like you more. And even if you find that he or she doesn’t really like you, you can still try to reverse things and change his or her opinion of you.
Well, if you never try you will never know… Just what good will it does to know how he or she feels about you when you don’t even dare to be trying?

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