Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Do You Work With Someone You've Fallen In Love With?

Have you ever been in the situation where you fell in love with a colleague of yours?
Oh, this certainly sounds very common. Maybe I should rephrase the question a bit. Ok, have you been in the situation where you actually like that very colleague of yours but find it hard to make that step in expressing your feeling of love for him or her, having that fear of what if you were rejected? Fearing of how to be just facing and working with each other if so.
Many have actually faced such problem, lost for what to do. And this is especially so, when he or she actually likes the job a lot, not wanting to risk creating a bad atmosphere at work. And for this reason, chosen to just run away, hiding away his or hers very feelings.
But very often they can never just lie to themselves, finding themselves falling just only deeper and deeper for that someone each day at work. Not wanting to create a bad atmosphere at work but in the end still not able to avoid it, finding oneself struggling within; losing all his or her drive and passion in work.
Well, there is definitely no need to be giving yourself all these unnecessary stress and unhappiness. Other than staying at home, most of our time is next spend at our work place. A happy working environment is certainly to be desired, isn’t it?
Facing such a situation, it would always be good to just let nature take it own course. Instead of avoiding, just face things graciously. The fact is just going to remains as it is; that very colleague of yours is just going to be there for each of those working days. You would definitely have to be facing him or her just very often.
If you truly like the job and see the possibility of yourself working there for good, you just have to accept things, learning to accept that friendship from that very colleague of yours; learning how to be more positive and to make it a more joyful working environment.
You see; things may not always be as negative as what you have thought.
Note. This is afterall only what you have imagined for yourself. The facts remain that things has not in anyway just happened at all; meaning to say that you still have the ability to turn things the other way round. Well, we never know… Maybe he or she might just fall for you along the days?

Why not? Remember, he or she is just like you having to spend a great amount of his or her time at work. As colleagues, there would definitely be that certain amount of interaction between you guys. If he or she likes the job just as much and nevertheless always enjoy his or her time at work with you too, things could be just possible…
Now instead of dreading to work, look forward to work each day. Let each day be a beautiful day, a joyous day which you would get to see him or her.
Build up that friendship between the both. There is not harm in just making more new friends. Friends can always help to bring about more happiness to your life and of course in this case, more fun to your job.
It is just how you are going to look at things. A great working environment or a bad one, you definitely have the choice over which one you want to be in.
Just let nature take it own course. Instead of avoiding contact with that very colleague, befriend him or her. And just how can this friendship ever be developed into any possible love relationship, we shall just leave that possibility open and see how things will be along the way.
If things don’t really work out well, you guys can still nevertheless be colleague and friends, isn’t it? C’mon! You have to learn to be more mature with your feelings… And if things really turn out well, then congratulations to you!
Well, why not? Why wouldn’t it be possible? Be more optimistic in life. If he or she enjoy his or her time with you, it is just very possible of him or her to fall in love with you too.
There is no need to run away, bringing unhappiness for yourself. We should always lead a hopeful life, shouldn’t we? And nonetheless, if you never even try, how would you ever know, right?

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