Monday, July 18, 2011

Do You Have Any Tips To Get Over A Break-up?

Hmmm…? What would be the best way to be getting over a break-up?
Well, one of the “best” ways, which many would have probably done, is to get themselves drunk; forgetting just about everything, forgetting all their sorrow…
Yes, it is definitely a good way but sad to be saying, only good as in short-term.
Besides drinking, one may also choose to get themselves “drunk” by diverting their focus on achieving something else in life, which is very often their career. Believing that by doing so, they could just forget all their unhappiness.
But well, can they really just totally forget all those unhappiness? The truth is often not.
One can never just escape from reality forever. Escaping is again yet only a short-term solution. Need a long-term solution? Hmmm… well, perhaps the best would be death, ending of all memories once and for all.
Ha but then again, it is all going to end just along with death? In fact, it is not. Yes, along with your death, all the sad memories might come to an end. But with the end of these sad memories will only come more sad memories for your many loved ones and your family.
Anyway, I am sure that to be seeking death isn’t in anywhere on your thoughts right?
Well, the best solution would still be to face it. When you can’t run away from it, you face it. When you can’t forget it, you remember it. When you can’t move on, you stop.
Yes, there is no way you can just forget about the break-up. It is going to be etched on your memory forever. But to choose to remember it as a fond or bad memory, you do have a choice.
Now, I am sure that other than sorrow and unhappiness, there are also lots of other fond memories you have had in that past relationship of yours? They were sure sweet, weren’t they?
Not everyone can be successful in his or her very first relationship. For some, it may take them up to even several tries before they could just find that special someone of theirs.

Even when in choosing your career, you may have switched your job several times before deciding to stick to one final one? And you yourself know that this is what you have to do cause you clearly know that if you never give yourself that chance to try, you will never know.
The same is for a love relationship too.
There is definitely that fate between you and your ex that you guys actually got to meet one another. And there is without doubts that time when love was with the both of you. But it is just sad that somehow, you guys are not fated to be together afterall. But then again, if you have never tried how would you have known, right?
And nevertheless, there were indeed those fond and wonderful memories as we have earlier mentioned? Recall; it is still just so sweet to be thinking of them now, isn’t it? Now, this is a glimpse of what love can bring for you.
Think of it this way. A love relationship is always a two-way communication. For the relationship to go on, there has to a mutual happiness from the both. There is no point holding on so tight to something, which you know will not bring you ultimate happiness in the end. When you have to let go, you just have to and things are definitely better this way.
Yes, you may have failed once but it doesn’t mean that you are never going to find that one true love of yours. In fact, you can. It is just a matter of whether you are willing to move on…
Well, I know it is definitely not as easy as just by saying to be getting over a break-up. If you seriously can’t move on, you stop. But then stop to only give yourself some time to catch a little breather, to tidy up your emotions and thoughts. This is certainly to be encouraged.
It is only when you truly sort out your thoughts will you be able to then correctly move on. By lying to yourself and forcing yourself to just move on without a clear mind, you might very well find yourself lost; losing your entire life to the passage of time. And by the time you actually realized, things may be just all too late, having only tons of regrets and no even any of a fond memory...
Remember, life is always a journey and not a destination. And be it in the path of love or in the path of life, there is definitely bound to be up and downs.
Be courageous in love; dare to love. And not to forget loving yourself too, taking good care of your health. Don’t lose to just some failure. You can give yourself a little more time but at the end of the day, you must pick up yourself up and be ready to move on once again, yeah?

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